Legal Disclaimer
(Tarot Reading is for Entertainment Purposes Only)
Note: “I” and “me” denote the owner of Simple Life Tarot and/or any other associate, entity, Tarot Reader, consultant, advisor, partner or teacher associated with Simple Life Tarot.
Although Tarot Reading is used as a self-counselling tool for spiritual growth and personal development, it is ultimately viewed as a form of Entertainment.
Tarot Reading is subject to interpretation and should not be taken as Absolute. A Tarot Reading is never 100% accurate, therefore it should never be fully trusted. A Tarot Reading does not replace Professional Medical/Legal/Business Opinion and Advice on any occasion, regardless of how convinced you are that your Reading is accurate and the Reader to be trusted. If you are suffering severe difficulties in any of the above areas of; health, mental health, legalities and business concerns, you must consult with those Professionally Qualified to give suitable treatment or advice. A Tarot Reading, whether holistic or psychic, may not be suffice under any crucial circumstances including the ones mentioned here.
Tarot Reading or Teaching will not force you to follow a particular course of action or attempt to exert any form of control over your free-will and common sense. Any decisions made, or actions taken by you as a result of your Tarot Reading or embarking upon any course offered by me is your sole responsibility and has not been forced upon you, by the owner or any associate of Simple Life Tarot, your Tarot Reader or Teacher. I will not be held legally responsible for same. It is only with the complete understanding and acceptance of the above that a tarot reading or the use of content available through this course can be permitted. Neither can I assume any legal liability for any damages or alleged damages, losses, or other direct or indirect consequences of any client decisions/actions, subsequent to, or based on my Tarot Readings or Teachings. Your participation in this site is subject to the above terms and understanding and is solely at your own risk.
Tarot-Based Behavioral-Life Coaching
Coaching support is not a mandatory service clients are required to take. Simple Life Tarot and any associated entities cannot be held legally or informally liable to any degree or form for its clients' actions and their understanding of the tarot reading, consultation or coaching.
Clients might be required to sign a consent form before receiving coaching support. All information and consultation with Simple Life Tarot remains confidential, unless required by the law for disclosure. Coaching support should not be treated as an alternative to seeking medical support. Please contact your medical practitioner or an expert in your areas of concerns for appropriate help. Serving you with an exceptional experience is our intention. Thank you for your understanding.
Course Material/Site Content/Tarot Readings
Please note, there are many approaches to learning Tarot with numerous schools of belief, method and systems that can often seem confusing. Tarot has evolved from the original or traditional manner in which it was taught or handed down over the centuries. It is likely during your study of tarot you will come across conflicting opinions and concepts which will lead you to question which system is the right one to follow. There is no right or wrong way to learn tarot. It is advisable to expose yourself to as many variations as possible before determining which method suits. Many modern tarot readers do not stick rigidly to any one school or system, preferring to find their own unique method of interpretation and Elemental Allocation which they make their own. Many tarot readers interpret the cards on an intuitive level, which does not entail a detailed study of traditional tarot and its symbolism. The content on this site, is based on my approach to reading and teaching tarot. There will be many who disagree with my findings and concepts, but that is perfectly okay. Therefore, tarot learning course offered by me is not a definitive guide to learning tarot.
This is my tarot and I am happy to share it with all who are interested in exploring it.
The information provided is subject to interpretation, and Students embarking upon the courses offered by Simple Life Tarot for personal or professional purposes, do so with the understanding that this is only one of many ways of interpreting Tarot. None of my work, concepts or theories, are binding or absolute. As there are various styles of Tarot Reader, there are also various styles of Tarot Teachers. This is but my way of Teaching Tarot and the Student is advised to only take from this Course that which they feel is relevant to them. It should not be rigidly followed or adhered to under any misguided assumption that it is the ultimate Gospel or Bible of Tarot. Any direct action taken as a result of taking courses offered by Simple Life Tarot is the sole responsibility of the Student, Reader or Viewer. I will not be held legally responsible for the same. Neither can I assume any legal liability for any damages or alleged damages, losses, or other direct or indirect consequences of any client/student decisions/actions, subsequent to, or based on, my Tarot Teachings or Readings. Your participation in this site is subject to the above terms and understanding and is solely at your own risk.
Where Tarot Readings occur, it is under the strict understanding the recipient Aged 18 years or over.